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Client: US Air Force

July 21, 2015

Project Name:-
Lower Shire Valley Irrigation Project Feasibility and Master Plan Study
Country:- Malawi

Location within Country:- Lower Shire Valley, Southern Region, Malawi Professional Staff Provided by your Firm:- Irrigation Engineer, Water Resource Engineers, Architect, Civil Engineer , Agro-forestry Expert, Fisheries Expert, Surveyors, GIS/CAD Expert, Hydrologist, Sociologist and Soil Specialist.
Name of Client:- Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development
African Development Bank – Funded
Client’s Contact Person for the Assignment:-
Dr. C.P. Mzembe
Address:- P.O. Box 30797, Lilongwe 3 No of Staff Months : 48

Start Date
September, 2007 Completion Date (Month/Year): April, 2008 Approx. Value of Services (in Current US$):- 436,336

Name of Associated Consultants. If any:- Geotec Associates, Harare, Zimbabwe
No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s):- 9
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed:- Dr. H. Maritim – Team Leader; overall responsibility of the project services delivery, quality assurance management and co-ordination of the project team. Served as the principle contact person between the consultant and the client for the project.
Narrative Description of Project: – The overall objective of the proposed study was to aggregate the engineering and socio-economic data compiled during previous investigations on the Lower Shire Valley (Shire River Basin) investment and production potential and to formulate an agricultural based Master Plan of irrigated farm lands integrated into a diverse scheme, with production and factory plants/facilities and supporting infrastructure. Focus on water resources based projects, with applied irrigation systems and sound modern farming technology capable of meeting the socio-economic needs of the project community, the nation of Malawi and attract potential foreign investors. The irrigation structures to be developed as an integral part of the proposed scheme include: weir intake structures, conveyance canals, water control structures, drainage canals and structures and roadway access and service network. Agricultural development would involve production of rice, sugarcane, tobacco as the main crops as well as livestock, fish and agro-forestry.
Description of Services/Tasks Performed: Master Plan Development
• Strategic Planning (objectives, framework, project areas boundaries, structured agricultural based development)
• Identification of Communities and Institutional Stakeholders
• Data collection, and materials/literature review and assessment.(Previous Studies of project Area)
• Public Involvement, and formalized farmers groups
• Environmental Impact Assessment Study.
• Socio-economic Assessment Study and Household Survey.
• Identification of socio-economic factors for post implementation monitoring and evaluation
• Baseline Socio-economic data Statistical Analysis.
• Preparation of an Agriculture Development Plan (optimum cropping pattern, small-scale farms and estate farm plot sizes, agronomy practices & systems, farmers training program, etc.)
• Target crop and secondary crops value chain study
• Topographical Aerial Survey,
• Spatial Planning
• Soils investigation and soil survey mapping.
• Construction materials investigations and testing.
• Community Farmers Facility Management Plan
• Transportation and Transit Corridor Assessment.
• Preliminary Design and layout of support infrastructure (roads, irrigation and drainage system, dams, water reservoirs)
• Preliminary Design and layout of supporting housing and small building structures
• Construction cost estimation
• Programming and Program of Development
• Investment and Public Private Partnership (PPP) Opportunities Identification.
• Implementation Plan (phased approach, phase description, schedules and cost allocations)

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